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Re: HELP: Translating the Babel Text

From:Rodlox <rodlox@...>
Date:Sunday, October 31, 2004, 13:31
----- Original Message -----
From: Isaac A. Penzev <isaacp@...>
To: <CONLANG@...>
Sent: Sunday, October 31, 2004 1:31 PM
Subject: Re: HELP: Translating the Babel Text

> Carsten Becker wrote: > > > Using clay > > bricks is not that widely spread. So should I rather > > translate "Let's gather stones and wood" etc. because this > > method belongs more tightly to the concept of building a > > house and is more commonly known? > > No. This is wrong because bricks are important for the meaning of the
story. setting the theological parts aside, God couldn't destroy a house made of stones or wood?
> For that purpose we need to know the essence of the story, what is
> and what is irrelevant. In this particular case bricks, being man-made,
> essential for the meaning, as opposed to stones, given by G-d as they are.
um, that might be true, but stones can be shaped just as well as bricks can be (since mud was given by God, too).
> This is one of the principles the Wycliff Translators use. I think it is > basicly wrong. When the cultural element in the story is relevant, it must > be preserved, even if it needs long explanations, but not re-interpreted. > Otherwise you can have smth like "In older days there were news, and the > news were together with Humpbacked Spirit..."
Quasimodo! :)


Isaac A. Penzev <isaacp@...>