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Re: question on sampa representation

From:Tristan <kesuari@...>
Date:Monday, March 24, 2003, 7:57
On Tue, 2003-03-25 at 02:08, Joe wrote:
> From: "BP Jonsson" <bpj@...> > > The transcription of _cut_ with [V] is a holdover from the 19th century. > > Modern English mostly has [6] or even [@], depending on dialect, in this > word > > Ahem. Modern -American- English. Most British dialects still have [V] and > British-oid dialects, (Australian, New Zealand)
(Odd phrasing, that. I'll assume you said everything you want to, but you might have missed something out.) Ahem. Australian and New Zealand use a vowel best transcribed* as [6] (in a long--short distinction** with [6:], the vowel in 'cart'). I wouldn't know how to pronounce a back unrounded vowel if my life depended on it. (I imagine such a change is less likely to happen in Britain where the cat-vowel is often more like [a] than [&], but you never know.) * In the IPA pronunciations from the place that's been going round that *isn't* NTNU (I've lost the URL and it isn't on has [6] pronounced almost exactly the way I pronounce the vowel in 'hut'. ** At least in Australian English. I can't speak for Kiwi speech (who generally make homonyms of 'beer' and 'bear', in my experience on [I@]). Tristan.


Joe <joe@...>