Raymond Brown wrote:
> Single letters are shown by enclosing them between < > - but as these may
> be misinterpreted if reading mail through a browser, many (including
> myself) prefer to use { }.
I have never understood what is wrong with quotation marks: the forms "a"
and 'a' far more natural to me than either <a> or {a}.
> We have been assuming
> that the first is a long sound /u:/ and the second is shorter /u/.
> We have noticed that Uusisuom often has doubled consonants. We have
> assumed, since we have not been told differently, that they are not
> irregular spellings (as they would be in English) but that are being used
> as in Finnish or Italian, i.e. the denote geminate consonants which have
> phonemic status in Uusisuom.
I was told in a private mail that doubling represents gemination in both
vowels and consonants, just as in Finnish. So that point is confirmed.
There is / one art || John Cowan <jcowan@...>
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to do / all things || http://www.ccil.org/~cowan
with art- / lessness \\ -- Piet Hein