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Re: Nouns from Verbs

From:Stone Gordonssen <stonegordonssen@...>
Date:Sunday, June 15, 2003, 19:41
>I was wondering what your methods are for deriving nouns from verbs. More >specifically, how to derive instances of verbal activities from verbal >roots/stems -- i.e., "(a) kick" from "(to) kick".
Seems that I took the easy way out in my conlangs thus far. Palu f’Dule: Many nouns may be used as verbs by changing final "o" to "a" or "u" to "e". Nouns ending in "a" or "e" require no modification. - nata ["nat_da] = work - natali ["nat_dali] - work-I - I work - natawi ho neneli ["nat_dawi Xo "neneli] - work-your (oj) remember-I - I remember your work. - palo ["palo] = word - pala ["pala] = talk, say, speak - palali ["palali] = I say - speak-I - I say - paluwi ho neneli ["paluwi Xo "neneli] - words-your (oj) remember-I I remember your words. Bes Dis’z Any root can be made into a verb by raising the tone. - tis [tIs] = word - tís[tI_Hs] = say, speak, talk - sitís [sItI_Hs] - acquired-I-speak - I speak - siném sedis [sinE_Hm se"dis] - acquired-I-remember acquired-your-words - I remember your words. Nenshar: Has only names of objects and states. - nen [nEn] = word - nensharer mausa [" "] - word-shar-active mouth-me-active - I am speaking Nenshar - nenenep chipesa ["nEn.En.Ep] - word-your-passive mind-my-active - I remember your words. Laafaah Lengthening the first vowel of a word makes it a verb. - lafah ["LAfAh]= speach, words - laafah ["LA:fAh] - speak - I speak - tiinaf lafah ‘ixs ["t1:JAf "LAfAh ?1xs] - remember words your - I remember your words. _________________________________________________________________ The new MSN 8: smart spam protection and 2 months FREE*


michael poxon <m.poxon@...>