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Re: Fricative Nasal Aspiration (was: Re: IPA griefs)

From:Kristian Jensen <kljensen@...>
Date:Wednesday, October 25, 2000, 18:18
Adam Walker wrote:

>>From: Steg Belsky <draqonfayir@...> >>Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2000 14:55:26 -0400 >>I tried to play with the sounds [t<h>ap] "top" and [s<h>ap], and it seems >>to have the voicing-delay that was mentioned in another message. >> >> >>-Stephen (Steg) >> "[maS::i:B harrru:wa:H umori:D hat<?>:Ol]" > >Steg, just so you'll know you're not the only one, I tried it out and got >the same result as you. The extra air comes out my nose. > >Adam
I'm only postulating here. I think what's happening is that both of you are instead lowering your velums in order to abruptly stop the friction. There is still a brief moment where the articulators are still in a position to make friction if it weren't for the lowered velum. But in the absence of friction that has been undermined by the lowered velum, there is that "puff of air" or brief period of silence before voicing starts. Obviously, this "puff of air" would have to be through the nose. If you guys want to acheive an orally aspirated fricative, then what you should do, instead of lowering your velums, is to lower the active articulator so that friction abruptly ceases -- much like the active articulators in an aspirated stop would have to be lowered in order to abruptly cease the oral closure. While doing this, the glottis would naturally still have to be open for a while, much like in an aspirated stop. You could try to gradually affricatize your aspirated stops, and then gradually losing the stop element in these aspirated affricates. Perhaps that will work with practice. -kristian- 8)