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Re: Charyan novel! (was: Re: [CONLANG] I'm back!)

From:daniel andreasson <danielandreasson@...>
Date:Wednesday, January 9, 2002, 17:55
Tal wrote:

> That *is* neat... I don't have anything for 'here' and > 'there' at all yet. 'there' will be "not at us", then?
Hmm. Good idea. Or perhaps "at them" _tälda_ ['tElda] (which can be either masc or fem or neutral). I'll have to think about that a little. "Not at us" is neat though. I'll probably go with that. Negation in Rinya is done by a negative verb "not to be", so we'll see how that works out. Oh. And 'here' -- i.e. 'at us' -- in Rinya is _mylda_ ['mYlda] in case anyone was wondering. :) ||| daniel -- |