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Re: Conlang Travellers' Guide (was Re: I have a dream)

From:bnathyuw <bnathyuw@...>
Date:Friday, July 19, 2002, 16:01
> >Hello!
sesheri health-yours-? ( cf english 'how do you do?'/'owright ?'. response is 'sesheri' )
> >Goodbye!
gusesher Perat/gusesheru good-health-yours be-it/good-health-yours-!
> >Yes
Per/Ter/Gil is/(is but could possibly not be)/(is necessarily)
> >No
Rap/Suc (is not but could possibly)/(is necessarily not)
> >Please . . .
[not usually used, if necessary you would say something like]shot . . . for-me . . .
> >Thank You
Danr ghuw/Dawr ghuw/guDa(w/n)r do good/done good/good-do(ne)
> >Do you speak > (English/Spanish/French/Dutch/<whatever>)?
weri Bac (tata) thingland/espajna/phrans/dneyderland/ric you-? speak (PH-[apposition] england/espan~a/france/nederland/something PH stands for place holder. it functions logically as a pronoun but has no reference. it must be used either defined by other nouns, in apposition to other nouns, or as a neuter pronoun
> >I don't speak (conlang) very well.
sot Rap Bac ghuw bhac I (not at the moment but could be) speak good bac
> >My name is...
sot Bacot thata . . . /bachot Per thata . . . /bachot tata . . . Per I speak-me PH-[apposition] . . . /name-my is PH-[apposition] . . . /name-my PH-[apposition] . . . are identical
> >What is your name?
wer Bacer rhici/bacher Rici you speak-you something-? [=what/how]/name-your (is something)-? [=(is what)]
> >How are you?
sesheri health-your-?
> >I am well.
guseshot (Penr) good-health-my (is)
> >I am not well.
guseshot Ranp good-health-my (is not but could be)
> >I am the walrus, coo coo ca choo.
ay abn dha wolras, kuw kuw ka cuw ( come on, you wouldn't translate lyrics would you ? ) __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Everything you'll ever need on one web page from News and Sport to Email and Music Charts