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Re: CHAT: Anglicisms

From:Carlos Thompson <carlos_thompson@...>
Date:Thursday, June 3, 1999, 4:53
Chris Peters wrote:

> Out of curiosity, how aware are any of you of any Anglicisms in your > conlangs, whether in grammar, phonology, or otherwise? Or otherwise, if > your L1 is other than English, how much does your native tongue tend to
> up in your project? I find myself almost unawares favoring certain
> sounds, or Japanese grammar, in Ricadh when I try to avoid it. In a
> Ricadh grammar has ended up as a kind of "reverse Japanese" ...
After I'm thinking on making a severe modification in Hangkerimce (keep the best ideas but make the language a little more flexible) I could tell than in Chleweyish I'm making a concious effort to borrow ideas from Colombian Signed Language (grammar mainly), as well as letting me borrow one or few words (or sounds in words) from the other natlangs I know: Spanish (my L1), English and Swedish, as well as including some apriori words. (I've even borrowing words from LSC... ;-) By the contrary, I'm trying to avoid any influx in Hangkerimce... but some times I chose one word because the sound match the concept in some way in my mind... If the result is an obvious influence I discard it but... anyhow the sound has come from somewhere. (Well, I'm not avoiding all terms, if a concept I belive was brought by Spaniards, I'm borrowing from Spanish, like the word "kizidano" for a Christian Hangkerimian) -- Carlos Th