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Re: CHAT: Anglicisms

From:Barry Garcia <barry_garcia@...>
Date:Thursday, June 3, 1999, 4:48
        Well, my current conlang is based on the Tagalog Trigger system (or
focus, as my Tagalog teacher called it in a summer course i took last
year) , and the Phonology is similar. Except in Sakatda Ka Kadomo (my
conlang), there are a few more sounds than Tagalog permits (F, V, and Z) ,
so English sounds could easily get in. However, i am consciously aware
when i am creating a word so that it doesnt sound too much like English (
being around Filipino relatives a lot as a kid  has helped =) ). Creating
this conlang has been a challenge since i dont speak Tagalog. Although i
do understand it more since i took an intensive  Tagalog course ( it was
so intensive we were all writing one page essays in Tagalog towards the
end of the course =) ).


                    "Bailando en el fuego con un gran deseo" - India
