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Re: verbs = nouns?

From:Roger Mills <romilly@...>
Date:Tuesday, January 9, 2001, 20:49
Matthew Kehrt wrote:

>Does anyone know of any lang, preferrably a natlang, in which the same >words serve as nouns and as verbs? I know it can be done with >adjectives and nouns, but are nouns and verbs equivalent in any >system?
English and Chinese have been discussed. Indonesian/Malay can do it to some extent, especially in colloquial usage. cinta 'love' n. or v. hujan 'rain' or 'its's raining' pikir 'think' or 'thought' -- berpikir, pikiran are more "correct" for the verb/noun forms respectively. And this gets into the very common BASE + possessive usage: pikirku (or pikir saya) lit. 'my thought' > my thinking > I think...., what I think is...... Hard to say whether pikir is functioning as a noun or verb in this case. kata 'to say', 'word'-- again, berkata/perkataan are "correct". katanya lit. 'his/her word' is very common in written dialogue, for 'he/she said'. A little further afield: besar 'big', besarnya '(its) size'. ObConlang: Kash follows Indonesian with similar constructions, perhaps too slavishly........