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Re: Tutorial--Lesson 1

From:Mike Ellis <nihilsum@...>
Date:Tuesday, February 17, 2004, 22:55
takatunu wrote:

>Lesson 1 >Let's start from scratch:
Vai! (also an informal "goodbye")
>Good day!
Iz'na niir
>Good morning to you Sir!
Izn'a usan, a Banas
>Good afternoon to you Lady!
Iz'a sonran, a Joras
>Good night, John!
Ajie nümyat, a Jon
>Welcome to you my friend!
Kunikuridve, a druz'
>Goodbye, Mum! (Mum is leaving)
Nakuru/S'ozarie/Vai, a Kas'
>Goodbye, Dad! (Dad is staying behind)
Nastrec'u/S'ozarie/Vai, a Toc'et (don't say |s'ozarie| unless you're going to be away for a long time or forever)
>How are you, brother/sister?
¿C'u kiostac', a frat/biar?
>Very well, thank you, brother/sister!
Dag'ie, a frat/biar; z'igim.
toya/eya, tor/er
>to be (sb/sth)
kuya, kui
>what book?
¿kuya krod?
>which pen?
¿kuya yöcu?
>this book
toya krod
>that pen
eya yöcu
>which one?
>this one
>that (other) one
>What is this?
¿Tor kui c'e?
>This is a book.
Tor krod c'e.
>What is that?
¿Er kui c'e?
>That is a pen.
Er yöcu.
>pencil, window, door, floor, ceiling, table, desk, computer
rasis, vada, dvaarz, pöl, tekyo, boc, büro, prakalk
sai, s'e, nee, ne ven, aan
de, deg'e, mai, mie, hia, pu ven
>to be not
>to do not
mu (herak)
>Is this a window?
¿Tor vada?
>Yes. This is a window.
Sai. Tor vada c'e.
>Is that a table?
¿Er boc?
>No. That is not a table. That is a bed.
Mie. Er boc deg'e. Er srer.
>he, she, it
>this/that person
toya/eya pök
>Who is it?
¿Kure c'e?
>It is Rob.
Rob c'e.
>Who is she?
¿Jorta kure?
>She is Ms. Smith.
Smis Joras c'e.
>Is this person Mr. Smith?
¿Toya pök Smis Banas c'e?
>Yes. This is Mr. Smith.
Sai. Tor Smis Bns.
>Is she Ms. Smith?
¿Jorta Smis Jrs.?
>No. Ms. Smith is that other person.
Deg'e. Smis Jrs. eya k'okec'. M