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Re: OT Marx Brothers (was Re: Another Introduction)

From:Tristan <kesuari@...>
Date:Wednesday, May 14, 2003, 21:21
On Thu, 2003-05-15 at 05:52, Joe wrote:
> For me, meter, center, and theater are acceptable(I don't use them, but > hey.). However, 'liter' looks very odd to me....possibly because I've never > seen it used in an American context.
I'm with Joe here, except that I've seen it fairly regularly (but *only* in an American context[1]). Whenever I say 'liter', I have to read it a second time, because /lait@/ doesn't make any sense in context... Though <center> in the context of an organisation/building looks wrong. I think I may have a distinction between (health) <centre> and <center> (of the road)... [1]: <liter>, like <modeling>, and <tire>==tyre is one of those American spellings that people down under recognise as 'wrong'. No-one would complain about an incorrect spelling such as <realize> or <color>. -- Tristan