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Re: OT Marx Brothers (was Re: Another Introduction)

From:Joe Fatula <fatula3@...>
Date:Friday, May 16, 2003, 5:58
This whole thread on names for places where you watch some twenty or thirty
frames per second of film-projection images for a good hour or two (or
three) is very interesting.  I hadn't realized the variations possible.
After seeing/hearing some of these, I thought I'd post my own dialectal
usage of them:

   movies [muviz] : The most common way of talking about going there would
be "I'm going to the movies.".

   movie [muvi] : A movie is the regular word for movie/film.

   cinema [sIn@m@] : Unless it's the name of a particular theater, no one
here uses the word "cinema".  The only exception might be "cinema" in
general, such as "German cinema isn't as good as it used to be.", and even
this sounds formal or pretentious.

   theater [TiIdr] : Unqualified, "theater" could be either a place to see
movies or plays.  It isn't used as much as "the movies".

   film [fILm] : A film is the same as a movie, but it sounds more formal.
If you're offering a class about movies, you'd call it "Film Studies" or the

   show [Sou] : "Show" is much like "theater", in that it is not clear
whether a stage or screen show is meant.

   flick [flIk] : A "flick" is just a movie.  And it's sort of a flippant or
light-hearted word for it.  If you went and saw a movie that really inspired
you or perhaps made you cry, you wouldn't call it a flick.

   bioscoop [bajoskup] : That thing that city dog owners carry with them on


Jan van Steenbergen <ijzeren_jan@...>