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Re: OT Marx Brothers (was Re: Another Introduction)

From:Sarah Marie Parker-Allen <lloannna@...>
Date:Wednesday, May 14, 2003, 19:16
Some of us think that "theater" looks strange.  I don't know why, because I
really don't do the e-r switch with any other words (well, except for
"Shakespeare," but I've never seen that "Shakespeaer," rather "Shakespear"),
but "theatre" looks better.  So, "center," "liter," "theatre".  Heh.

AMC actually has two separate URLs that they own -- and  I'm glad because
I can't ever remember which one they actually use in their name.

Oh!  I also use "lightsabre" rather than "lightsaber".  The only time
"saber" looks right is when you stick "tooth" at the end, and even THEN I
usually do "sabretooth" and then look at it and change it back.

Sarah Marie Parker-Allen

"The very young do not always do as they're told." --
'Anteaus', Stargate SG-1

> -----Original Message----- > Behalf Of John Cowan
> As for the spelling, "theatre" is used in the names of playhouses > for reasons of > pretentiousness, and therefore gets used by people in the theater > business, or the > theatre business, as the case may be. The other uses are always > "theater" here. >
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Joe <joe@...>