> This is what you get for letting me read a Japanese grammar: my
>new language Kusthu". It came to me in a flurry of inspiration last
>weekend and I haven't been able to stop working on it since. If you're
>interested, point your web browser at
> It's obviously very incomplete, but comments and questions are
Well, I don't think it's so incomplete! You did that in one weekend?
Yes indeed, there's definitely something Japanese in it, but also
something Basque, don't you think so?
Just a problem in the first example of the use of conjunctions:
krel im ny ning nga spagte kejak g=FCntte.
sister my NOM honey ACC eat-3A because be-hungry-3A
My sister ate honey because she was hungry.
Shouldn't it be the other way round? because what I understand here is:
'She was hungry because my sister ate honey.'
That's the only problem I can see. For the rest, keep going!
Christophe Grandsire
|Sela Jemufan Atlinan C.G.
"Reality is just another point of view."
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