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Re: Third report on Koni - some grammar

From:Joe <joe@...>
Date:Friday, March 28, 2003, 21:46
> She'll certainly be welcome whenever she decides to join. :) > > >prior to her taking Linguistics and Spanish at uni. > > (Note: I am _not_ trying to start YAEPT!) Is this an example of British > English requiring less nouns to use an article? My Linguistics 101 class > claimed that this existed. In AmE, I would say "at an uni(versity)" (I'd > say the full word, too, or else use "college"). > > Just curious. :)
Just a point: this would be YAEGT, not YAEPT. 'an university' sounds hypercorrect to me, like 'an hat', mostly because 'university' starts with a consonant [j]. ([ju:niv@:sIti:], in my ideolect). But leaving that aside, 'at university' and 'at a university' mean two different things to me. To say 'she is at uni(versity)' means that she is studying there, but saying 'she is at a university' would suggest that she was there, but not neccesarily studying, maybe going for an interview or something.


John Cowan <jcowan@...>