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Re: YHL's Meep & mi Ling-Frak (was Re: Workin' on some stuff.)

From:Dennis Paul Himes <dennis@...>
Date:Saturday, August 26, 2000, 21:25
Cathy Whitlock <Cprincessw@...>
> > In a message dated 8/24/2000 5:15:02 PM Eastern Daylight Time, > Zhang2323@AOL.COM writes: > > << >OTOH I want to someday build a conlang called "meep" based on my habit > >of meeping at people (literally). > > much more original than my friend who randomly meows at people...
Wasn't there a Goon Show routine about a cat who said "meep" instead of "meow"? =========================================================================== Dennis Paul Himes <> Disclaimer: "True, I talk of dreams; which are the children of an idle brain, begot of nothing but vain fantasy; which is as thin of substance as the air." - Romeo & Juliet, Act I Scene iv Verse 96-99