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El nom dellen rosen- sample text in Jelbazech

From:Dan Jones <feuchard@...>
Date:Tuesday, May 29, 2001, 16:51
        pfe Umberto Eco

En lei cümmetz er el Wjarb e el Wjarb er kölli Götz e el Wjarb er el Gotz.
Koch er la cümmetz kölli Götz e el daver de kaschunen monchen fideilen
serautz la repeizetzon de kaschunen jornen kollei ümeltzätz kantzan la kos
senz kämbon dön weirtzatz pfötz ser assertzatz. Proch no wedem schuremen pfe
un wütre nonch, e la weirtzatz, dench se rewelez a teutz, weison a weison,
wedem nellen frammeintzen (oles, kel illeigebel!) nellen pfechetz dellen mond,
donch no davem schreive sontz seing fideile, ja kond sembren ke sei oskure a
no, e komb amalgamatz kon unen woluntzatzen mal.

        by Umberto Eco

In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God.
This was beginning with God and the duty of every faithful monk would be to
repeat every day with chanting humility the one never-changing event whose
truth can be asserted. But now we see through a glass darkly, and the truth,
before it is revealed to all, face to face, we see in fragments (alas how
illegible!) in the error of the world, so we must spell out its faithful
signals even when they seem to be obscure to us and as if amalgamated with an
evil will.

Good gods that was a slog! Fourty-nine word in one sentance!!

Points of interest:
"el Wjarb" /el vjarB/ is only used in this context, as the holy logos. The normal
word for "word" is la pfarol.
"el Gotz" /el gots/ is a loan from Germanic (obviously), there are no surviving
native forms of DEUS.
"proch" /prox/ is from PER HOC, the source of Spanish pero and Italian però.
"amalgamatz" /amalkam'ats/ is from Arabic "amal al-gama'a".


Ka yokonáu iti báyan: "cas'alyá abhiyo".

Ka tso iti mantabayan: "yama zaláyá
alánekayam la s'alika, cas'alika; ka yama
yavarryekayan arannáam la vácika, labekayam 
vácika, ka ali cas'alyeko vanotira."
Dan Jones


jesse stephen bangs <jaspax@...>
Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@...>
Douglas Koller, Latin & French <latinfrench@...>