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Re: Conlang Typology Survey

From:Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@...>
Date:Friday, May 23, 2003, 13:24
En réponse à Tristan McLeay :

>Hmm.... I haven't thought much about the Pidse articles. I guess the >definite article probably derive from its word for 'that' (and/or 'it', >not that there's a difference in Ygyde or Pidse), which means that it >will actually come from something totally different :)
>Maybe it'll originate from a phrase ('one/few/group/many that I talk >about' perhaps) which originally had other rules strictly defining where >it went and what it meant, but it got so eroded that it ends up being a >single word, but maintaining some of the properties of the phrase so >that it can only goes in funny places depending on sentence type, >adjectives, grammatical function of the noun, class of the noun, number, >and the weather :) (Anyone know of a natlang that has different articles >used in different weather conditions? :) )
Oh, I'm sure someone's gonna find something ;))) (maybe among people that bad weather puts always in a very bad mood, and who use the normal /@/ and /D@/ articles in good weather, and /@"fVkIN/ and /D@"fVkIN/ in bad weather? ;))))) ).
>:( I'm at least twice as insane as you are, I insist!
You're good, but as long as I live, you'll always be the second ;)))) .
>No, but one generally only finds one of each person :P :)
I wish it were true, but the tendency lately is in perfect conformism :((( . Christophe Grandsire. You need a straight mind to invent a twisted conlang.


Tristan McLeay <kesuari@...>