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"Proposed IPA" characters not in Unicode

From:Paul Bennett <paul-bennett@...>
Date:Tuesday, January 16, 2007, 17:03
I have a chart of what I think is the latest IPA (it includes the
labiovelar flap (which is not yet in
CXS, and about which bloody battles have IIRC been fought)). It
contains a number of "proposed"
characters, some of which I'm familiar with and which are in Unicode
(such as the qp and db labiovelar
stop symbols), and some of which fall into the "easy to read, but
apparently not well-known" camp.

For example, there are "belted" versions of /l\/, /L/, and /L\/,
symbolizing lateral fricatives. Also,
the long-leg /r\/ is back (for the sound I might CXSify as /4_l/), and
brings with it a long-leg /r\/
with retroflex hook (the retroflex equivalent, i.e. /4`_l/).

I've currently been dealing with them by using the COMBINING RETROFLEX
HOOK, but that's obviously not such a hot prospect for the velar
lateral fricative.

So, my questions are:

Should I just ignore them unless and until I need to use them?

If not, how should I best represent them in typeset text?

Would it take official IPA homologation before the characters make it
into Unicode, or are they likely
to slip in as part of one of the Phonetic Extension blocks?



Eric Christopherson <rakko@...>
Benct Philip Jonsson <conlang@...>