"Robert J. Petry" wrote:
>...> Logical Language Group wrote:
> > [kut]
> > I believe, but am not sure of my facts, that Ido was in a similar position
> > prior to WWI, and actually had the highest number of speakers other than
> > Esperanto and Volapu:k in its heydey. Occidental may have been active, but I don't
> > think its peak was anywhere near as high as its predescessors. This
> > was largely because WWI largely killed off the idealism that led to the IAL
> > movement, and the Depression and WWII destroyed what little was left.
I need to add a clarification here. You were referring to prior to WWI here.
What I wrote below pertains to the time from 1922 till and through WWII.
Occidental was not
in existence prior to WWI.
>...> Not only was the idealism killed off, but many of the users of these languages.
> As far as the numbers of Occidentalists versus Idists, it appears the world
> has
> temporarily lost the history of that time. .....