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From:Nikhil Sinha <nsinha_in@...>
Date:Monday, August 4, 2003, 15:06
Here are some sentences in Góquim:

1. Three birds are flying.
Ómyäï nysteyois hyüïltimi.
2. Goquim is a simple language.
Góquim hyüïltara lídái quuy quem.
3. There were many beautiful trees in the garden.
Nwëütó hyüïltata iva neihyow qüïvoois étwëü tylpálluge.
4. I am learning Goquim.
Röïmy vuyuíimi Góquimuqu.
5. My name is Nikhil Sinha.
Röïmyaker pébot hyüïltara Nikil Sinha.
6. Where is the book?
Qulláys hyüïltara étwëü nwét?
7. You are coming with me.
Nynwúquú tyicimi ímitr röïmy.
8. Are you coming with me?
Tyïük nynwúquú tyicimi ímitr röïmy?
9. What is the name of that city?
Hyebyëülw hyüïltara étwëü pébot quïüs reinnyibine?

Góquim grammar can be found at:



Estel Telcontar <estel_telcontar@...>
John Leland <leland@...>Góquim Sentences
Christian Thalmann <cinga@...>
lblissett <blissett@...>
Nik Taylor <yonjuuni@...>
Arthaey Angosii <arthaey@...>Góquim Sentences
Apollo Hogan <apollo@...>
Jan van Steenbergen <ijzeren_jan@...>Góquim sentences (Wenedyk)
Jonathan Andrew Beagley <jbeagley@...>