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Re: CHAT: Reformed Latin-script writing for natlangs

From:Kristian Jensen <kljensen@...>
Date:Thursday, May 4, 2000, 9:12
Herman Miller wrote:

>On Wed, 3 May 2000 11:59:06 -0500, "Daniel A. Wier" <DaWier@...> >wrote: >
>> >>Now I like the way tones are marked, but I'd use a breve for the >>fall-rise tone and diaeresis for the low glottalized tone (I personally >>don't like underwritten marks unless it marks an open vowel like Yoruba >>etc. does; this would work for Vietnamese too). > >You could mark the creaky voice with (say) an apostrophe after the letter >and save a couple of diacritics.
In the Danish phonetic alphabet system, the apostrophe is used to mark the stød. So that could work.
>>Any other ideas from the list? Let's make some conscripts for natlangs. >>(I am seriously thinking of readapting a Thai-Lao-Myanmar-Khmer-like SE >>Asian alphasyllabry for Vietnamese; wasn't that done in the past with >>the Cham [?] script?
Using the Cham script to represent Vietnamese sounds like a great idea! With some improvements, that could work too. Do you (or anybody) know of any online sources on the Cham script? -kristian- 8)