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Re: Number in Trentish

From:Henrik Theiling <theiling@...>
Date:Thursday, December 13, 2001, 15:45

Muke Tever <alrivera@...> writes:
> Then we could say something like: > > There are Easter eggs-A in the kitchen. > There are Easter eggs-B in the kitchen. > > ..where the first form implies that they've been scattered about and hidden, > while the second says they are all in one place (say, on the kitchen table, > ready to be painted/hidden/whatever).
Isn't this distinguishable in Finno-Ugric by using partitive case in A and accusative case in B? My Finnish is bad, but for `boys on the street', are both the following correct? A: Kadulla on poikien. B: Kadulla on pojat. ?? Or is the second one ungrammatical? **Henrik