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Re: CHAT: silly names, prepositions

From:andrew <hobbit@...>
Date:Sunday, March 25, 2001, 8:09
Am 03/24 20:40  Roger Mills yscrifef:

> Poor Timor Leste, or Timor Lero Sae. Does it have any hope of succeeding as > a "country"? About the only thing holding it together is Catholicism; maybe > anti-Indonesianism will help, for a while. It is not an ethnic or > linguistic or cultural unity; pre-1975 it was one of the few areas of > Indonesia (aside from Irian) that still had enclaves of non-Austronesian > languages. >
A rather sad synopsis. There is an ongoing interest in events occuring East Timor in NZ among the young trendy liberal brigade, closer than Tibet or Iraq, I suppose. I think the number of deaths of NZ peacekeepers in East Timor now stands at three. - andrew. -- Andrew Smith, Intheologus Lent: Living in Borrowed Time