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Re: CHAT: silly names, prepositions

From:jesse stephen bangs <jaspax@...>
Date:Friday, March 23, 2001, 3:50
Andreas Johansson sikayal:

> I don't think anybody was even think about trying to force anyone anything. > However, I, and it seems like I'm not alone, find it somewhat ambiguious to > use "Americans" for "US citizens" since the word "Americans" looks like it > refers to (any) inhabitants of the Americas, and is indeed sometimes so > used.
No, it's not! The fact remains that, ambiguous or not, the term "American" is virtually always understood to refer to someone from the US. People from the US use it that way. People from foreign countries usually understand 'American' that way, both in English and in whatever the local language is. The literal interpretation of the term may be misleading, but since "American" is never understood literally, it's a moot argument. Furthermore, the origin of the term "American" is not deliberately arrogant. There simply isn't any other common term available for describing citizens of the US, and so "American" gets used. Accusing Americans of arrogance for this is unfair and rediculous, because Americans can't change it and never meant anything by it in the first place.
> Also, even tho' I'm not a native speaker, I do consider English to be "my" > language,
<sarcasm> But *I'm* not from England and *I* speak English, too! I demand that those arrogant, imperialist Angles stop giving their name to all of our language. We should call it Anglo-Australio-Uso-Canadian, so that everyone gets their share! </sarcasm> This is insane. Just like the term "American", the name "English" comes from long in the past and is now so entrenched that to rail against it is pointless. Those that insist on calling it a symbol of arrogance simply have a chip on their shoulders and should get over it. Jesse S. Bangs "It is of the new things that men tire--of fashions and proposals and improvements and change. It is the old things that startle and intoxicate. It is the old things that are young." -G.K. Chesterton _The Napoleon of Notting Hill_ Conlanger code: CLI> l%p+++ cS:R:N:H a++ y n18d:6 X+++ A-- E-- L-- N2.5 Idmp k++ ia-- p+ m++ o+++ P d++ b++ Yivríndil


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