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Re: CHAT: silly names, prepositions

From:Henrik Theiling <theiling@...>
Date:Monday, March 19, 2001, 12:22

Tristan McLeay <zsau@...> writes:
> I'm Aussie*. When you say both lore and law as /lO:/, you cannot tell > the difference between ar-ended and aahless words. So before consonants, > they are all aahless, and before vowels all aahful.
Very interesting. In my dialect of German, it's almost the same. I pronounce `fad' and `Fahrt' equally. So when I try to use an alveolar trill (e.g. to immitate other dialects), I sometimes accidentally pronounce `fad' as [fart] (no, it's not English...). It only happens after `a' in my dialect. **Henrik