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Re: Italogallic in Zera, and other languages.

From:Carlos Thompson <chlewey@...>
Date:Monday, April 24, 2000, 4:12
Luca wrote:

> Some stupid Northern indipendentists (have you ever heard speaking about > Bossi? He's our Haider, and he's just won the regional elections with
> hells of Liberal - Neo Fascist parties) have called Northern Italy
> I'd rather call Northern Italy Lombardia, since the word is from > 'Longobardia' and the Longobards conquerred, around the 7th century, if I
> right, a great part of Northern Italy, so this name could be OK. Southern > Italy has always had the name 'Regno delle Due Sicilie' (Kingdom of the
> Sicilies = real Sicily + Southern Italy).
Well. This way, the Romance languages, as counted in modern Zera are: Sicilian (spoken in Two Sicilies, closer to OTL Napolitan dialect) Lazian (spoken in Two Sicilies and Vatican City) Tocanian (spoken in Lombardia and Switzerland*) Rumanian (Spoken in Turkey and Austria) Lombardian (spoken in Lombardia) Retoromance (spoken in Switzerland) French (spoken in France, Belgium, Switzerland, Quebeq, some states of the CC and other countries) Catalan (spoken in Catalunya) Castillian (spoken in Castilla ** and Santo Domingo [OTL Dominican Republic]) Ladino (spoken by Jewish minorities all over the world) Portuguese (spoken in Portugal ***) Floridian (spoken in the CC state of Florida ****) Sandiegian (spoken in San Diego [OTL New Mexico, Colorado and Northern Texas] ****) Criollo (spoken in Kurimpe, Yelamha and Daluram ****) * In OTL, is the language spoken in Switzerland as _Italian_ actually Toscanian? Would Toscanian be spoken in Switzerland if it wouldn't have been the official language of a unified Italy? ** Gallego is also spoken in Castilla, but has no oficial status as Language. *** Brazil is counted as Portugal, actually the capital city of Portugal is Rio de Janeiro) **** Floridian, Sandiegian and Criollo are local versions of Castillian (actually Andalucian), with different developments due to isolation, creolization and borrowing from Native languages) Since there is no country called Italia, the term Italy/Italian is used as Balcans/Balcanic or Iberic are used in OTL. There is no language called _Italian_. Lazian is recognized as a language, because the Latium reminded under control of the Pope, until 76 years ago, when it was conquered by the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies (now a days Sicilian Republic). When Catalunya seceded Spain, the Kingdom of Spain became the Kingdom of Castilla. Spain and Spanish is still used informaly to mean either Castilla/Castillian or Castilla+Catalunya/Castillian-Catalan-Floridian-Sandiegian-Criollo. I'm not sure yet if what is usually called Rumanian is a language or the generic name for a set of dialects spoken in Turkey (Wallachia), Austria (Transilvania), Ukraine (Moldavia) and the Baltic Republic (The Carpathians). (Note that Rumania doesn't exist as a country in modern Zera.) -- Carlos Th