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Re: ZBB: Another "What language is this song in" thread.

From:Alex Fink <a4pq1injbok_0@...>
Date:Saturday, July 30, 2005, 17:34
On Sat, 30 Jul 2005 18:16:58 +0200, Henrik Theiling <theiling@...> wrote:

>Hi! > > >Ok, it's much easier to do this with your version *and* the music -- I >don't need to rewind so often and yours is much longer than mine. :-) > >For better comparison, I split it like you, but I'm not at all >confident about word boundaries. > >Tim May <butsuri@...> writes: >>... >> [alo jowai joha zORM ad@: kasa~ van ovIdho > [AlO jO:h\aI juha: sO:Ri: aD@ k(h)asan vanhO: vIdho > 1: d_d > >> keS OsOn Emudafan vEnijUftOt muSkIdho > kE?ES ?O:son Emundafan vEnijUftont muSdIlhO: > >> bEbu jEnofe kOXa zabo zOntoREbU? SOja~ > bEbu jE4nO:fe.i kOXa sabo zOntor@bUk_} SO:jan > n: 1 > >> sEso bEdZa himES SkI~n:ES Z@Xu mUftOt dardilho] > sEt;o bEdZa d@mES Shi:naS dZ@Xu mUftont dardIlhO:] > th S n: > t > >Alternatives stacked. :-) > >**Henrik
I (who have no formal training in phonetics) can throw in a third independent version. I haven't included word boundaries in the run-together parts, nor any length marking: couldn't the phonetically long segments be that way just because of the rhythm of the song, not for any phonological reason? [Aloj\oh\ai)j1huO)sORi ad@kj&sanvAnov1dho k@?eSvO~sO~n@\mudafa manijuftot muSkIdho m@\bujEnofe.ikoXA sAmozOnto4Ebuk_}SojA zEtO~medZAdemeSinAS Z@Xum8ftot da4dIlho] I'm fairly sure this isn't a Baltic language, certainly not Latvian. Alex


Adam Walker <carrajena@...>
Joe <joe@...>