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Re: My first translation in Moten! Champagne for all!

From:Sally Caves <scaves@...>
Date:Thursday, June 3, 1999, 19:41
Boudewijn Rempt wrote:

> I think this has come up before - I'd be happy to supply some text > to someone building an encyclopedia of conlangs, but I'm not going > to translate bits from the Bible. It just doesn't work, culturally. > > Boudewijn Rempt |
Hmmm. But the lovely thing about the Babel text is that it is pretty secular. Straw, bricks, mortar, a tower, a name for the people, etc. Ideally suited, it strikes me, for the urban, mural-painting Charyans! You might have to work in a few Hebrew place names (Shinar, and so forth), and sure... God does come down and jealously confounds the work and the language of the humans, but couldn't this role be filled by one of the Charyan deities? Or is there no such jealous, controlling goddess in Charyan culture? What if your people were handed a text like this from Genesis? What would they do with it? They seem like a textually oriented, curious bunch. They certainly don't stint at chronicling interesting tidbits of Charyan lore and literature! Sally Issytra: "Go for it, I say!"