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Re: Norman French Question

From:Adam Walker <carrajena@...>
Date:Friday, February 24, 2006, 18:40
--- R A Brown <ray@...> wrote:
> > I notice that at noon UTC on March 1st, all parts of > the following site > will be open to unrestricted access: > > > Maybe Adam could contact them for clarification of > ""saunz plus à ly". > > -- > Ray
Thanks. I'll definitely check out that site, but I think that lui is almost certainly the word I'm looking for. I got a translation of the poem this line comes from quite some while back, but this one word (and one other) was bothering me. My French is bad enough; my anitquaited bad French is even worse. Anyone want to have a go at the word "unkes" in the phrase "ke unkes fu forgez". I understand the phrase, but that one word I'd like to track down an etymon for, since it expresses an idea I'm not sure C-a can handle yet. Adam Judindu ul isu, niturvud ul regu ul Erodu, ed simu segu al toda Jerosolima, ed cumvinid todis ils daliris djils pundivichis ed als scrivas djul pobuu pera demandari djuls sis, «¿Jundi aved ninadud ul Cristu?» Mach 2:3-4


R A Brown <ray@...>