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Re: OT: What? the clean-shaven outnumber the bearded?"YerUgly Mug," etc.

From:Andreas Johansson <andjo@...>
Date:Saturday, May 24, 2003, 18:31
Quoting Tristan McLeay <kesuari@...>:

> Stone Gordonssen wrote: > > > However, I'm also not a "mistake" create by the universe. > > Pardon me for being this way, but is their any advantage to being gay > over being straight from an evolutionary perspective? Being straight > has > the obvious advantage that it's likely to encourage you to have > children,[1] but I'm not sure what, if any, advantage being gay has. > From that perspective, wouldn't being gay be a 'mistake', even if > it's > not one that necessarily needs to be irradicated?
You didn't follow the thread from the start? Stone and Christophe've been flakking an idea for why (male) homosexuality may be an evoluntionary advantage, that I wrote about*, rather alot. Look in the archives if you're interested. * I don't necessarily believe it, altho' I found the article in which I read about it credible enough. Andreas