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Re: OT: What? the clean-shaven outnumber the bearded?"YerUgly Mug," etc.

From:Tristan McLeay <kesuari@...>
Date:Thursday, May 22, 2003, 21:55
Stone Gordonssen wrote:

> However, I'm also not a "mistake" create by the universe.
Pardon me for being this way, but is their any advantage to being gay over being straight from an evolutionary perspective? Being straight has the obvious advantage that it's likely to encourage you to have children,[1] but I'm not sure what, if any, advantage being gay has. From that perspective, wouldn't being gay be a 'mistake', even if it's not one that necessarily needs to be irradicated? [1]: Whether you hold that this is necessarily a good thing or not is not the point of this. We'll assume momentarily that the point of life is to continue itself and that each individual (of many, but not all, species e.g. worker ants) has been charged with continuing this in their own right. This is either because those species that weren't so inclined died out or because we want as many people to worship God as we can get, or because the tomato-shaped oracle told us so. Or whatever :) -- Tristan <kesuari@...>


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