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Re: OT: What? the clean-shaven outnumber the bearded?"YerUgly Mug," etc.

From:Sally Caves <scaves@...>
Date:Thursday, May 22, 2003, 14:38
----- Original Message -----
From: "Christophe Grandsire" <christophe.grandsire@...>

> En réponse à Nik Taylor :
> >I've never heard the word CHOICE used. > > It makes it clear that
> conservative Christian organisations call homosexuality "something that
> does, a chosen lifestyle", denying that it is an unchosen orientation.
> often seen the expression "chosen lifestyle", both by American
> and French ones (in French of course :)) ). I find it surprising that you > never heard it.
Well exactly. I have heard, however, some of my liberal gay friends refer to it as a "chosen lifestyle." I had just read the article in the New Yorker some years ago about "The Homosexual Brain," which tried to show that homosexuality is not a "chosen lifestyle" but a genetic predisposition. When I brought this up, my friend exploded and said that he found this premise threatening. If it's a genetic predisposition, then it can be "fixed" in the future by genetic tampering. He preferred, he said, to stick to his guns and call it a "chosen lifestyle." I told him that I had sent this article to my (I keep hating to dump on him but there it is) rightwing born-again father, who has always insisted, with a great deal of heat, that homosexuals have been seduced by the Devil into a lifestyle that they have chosen in sin. "I don't believe everything I read," he told me. !! We can't talk about this, because he won't change his views or see reason. That, I explained to my friend, is why I have promoted this premise. No, said my gay friend, I can understand your beef with your father, but I would say to him, yes! Call me a sinner! This is the lifestyle I have chosen. I like to have control over my life, and not be told that I am subject either to the Devil or to a brain disorder. I said it's not a brain disorder, anymore than redhair is. People won't see it that way, said my friend. When genetic tampering is the order of the day, they will squash it. Interesting, right? I think the problem is in the term "the homosexual brain." "Innate quality" I prefer.
> > I've heard homosexuality called > >a disease or a perversion, or comparing it to addictions, but never > >called a *choice*, except by left-wingers and homosexuals debunking the > >alleged claim!
Right, I think my friend was debunking it out of sheer chutzpah.
> Well, if you listen carefully, you'll hear that right-wingers opposing > homosexuality always call it a "behaviour", an "addiction", a
> clearly implying that a choice had been made and can be unmade, rather
> an innate orientation.
Yes, my father's view, and that of some other Fundamentalist Christians I know. Sally Caves Eskkoat ol ai sendran, rohsan nuehra celyil takrem bomai nakuo. "My shadow follows me, putting strange, new roses into the world."


Adam Walker <carrajena@...>
John Cowan <cowan@...>