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Re: OT: What? the clean-shaven outnumber the bearded?"YerUgly Mug," etc.

From:Stone Gordonssen <stonegordonssen@...>
Date:Thursday, May 22, 2003, 23:35
> > >What was our old adage? "No cross no crown"? >any talk of religion (cross) or of crown (politics), because they led to
Thanks. I thought that might be the intent.
>Since it often leads to bad feeling here as well, this might be our motto. >:) On the other hand, I would hate to shut down talk of conculture >religions. Many of our invented peoples have religions. Kerno speakers >are I believe mostly Catholic, and the Teonim are largely Orthodox.
Any time discussions of politics, religions, sexuality occur face to face, there's always a chance of bad feelings arising. Doing it on-line increases the probability as readers haven't the subtle voice and body language signals. I believe that individuals stray onto these topics because they have both significance and history for them. Differing personal experiences yield different perspectives, each equally valid when viewed objectively. _________________________________________________________________ Add photos to your e-mail with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*.