En réponse à Stone Gordonssen :
>I've 3 books on my "reading now" nightstand, 9 books on my "must read now"
>shelf, and slightly less than 50 on my "should read soon" bookcase. The
>other 1900kg of my books are in storage.
>LOL. Just remember to say "No thanks." when you are offered the Tea of
>Forgetfulness immediately prior to being reborn.
I just hope they won't try to force it down my throat :)) .
>I, myself, need to remember to read carefully that fine print at the bottom
>on the Rebirth contract: "If the life you have chosen is not available, one
>ofequal or greater karmic will be assigned to you."
LOL. I will myself have to renegociate it sometime. I feel I haven't been
warned about the consequences of some allegedly "innocent" clauses ;))) .
Christophe Grandsire.
You need a straight mind to invent a twisted conlang.