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Re: OT: What? the clean-shaven outnumber the bearded?"YerUgly Mug," etc.

From:Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@...>
Date:Monday, May 26, 2003, 8:52
En réponse à Joe :

>Bonobos are naturally bisexual, and there are probably no homosexuals or >heterosexuals. Homosexuality(that is, pure homosexuality) can be nothing >but an evolutionary disadvantage, as the sole point of evolution is >reproduction, which homosexuals, well, cannot.
How do you know reproduction is the sole point of evolution, when I pointed out to a book which quite successfully explains that this assumption is as best incomplete, at worst completely flawed.
> I don't mean to be >derogatory in any way, but I can just see no advantage.
There have been enough posts explaining that homosexuality probably was advantageous for the survival of the species as a whole (which is what's important, not the survival of some selected line of individuals). As such, it could be seen as similar to the specialisation of some insect species where 95% of the population is actually sterile. Yet nobody ever claimed it was an evolutionary disadvantage. Christophe Grandsire. You need a straight mind to invent a twisted conlang.


Tim May <butsuri@...>