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Re: Prepositional phrases

From:J Matthew Pearson <pearson@...>
Date:Tuesday, March 27, 2001, 17:48
Aidan Grey wrote:

> I'm working on Aelya prepositional phrases at the > moment, and I wondered how you folks handle them in > your language?
Tokana has five cases which can be used to express general spatial relationships, among other things. These are: Dative: location ("in, at, on"), goal ("to") Ablative: source ("from") Allative: limit/extent ("up to, until, as far as") Instrumental: course/route ("across, along, through, by way of") Comitative: vicinity ("near, next to") (The use of the comitative to indicate vicinity is actually somewhat obsolete. Other expressions are used in the contemporary language.) These cases may be used to inflect 'spatial nouns' to form expressions for more complex/specific spatial relationships.
> To the forest: tauran > forest-ALL
Ite' lokai -- "The(DAT) forest-DAT"
> From the forest: tauro > forest-ABL
Itaul lokau -- "The(ABL) forest-ABL"
> In the forest: tauras > forest-LOC
Ite' lokai -- "The(DAT) forest-DAT" Ite' himai loka -- "The(DAT) interior-DAT forest"
> Into the forest: min daure > in-ALL forest-OBL
Ite' lokai -- "The(DAT) forest-DAT" Ite' himai loka -- "The(DAT) interior-DAT forest"
> Out of the forest: my thaure > in-ABL forest-OBL
Itaul lokau -- "The(ABL) forest-ABL" Itaul himau loka -- "The(ABL) interior-ABL forest" Ite' ysmai loka -- "The(DAT) exterior-DAT forest" (There's probably a slight difference in meaning between these last two expressions, but I haven't worked out what it is yet...)
> Outside the forest: os taure > out-LOC forest-OBL
Ite' ysmai loka -- "The(DAT) exterior-DAT forest"
> Through the forest: trea mei dauren > thru-PERL in-OBL forest-GEN
Itan loka' -- "The(INST) forest-INST" Itan hima' loka -- "The(INST) interior-INST forest"
> I really like having locative nouns ('mi' really > means 'the inside of', for example) but it seems > really needlessly complex.
Is that a problem? If you have locative nouns, why not use them to their full advantage? Of course, if you really want to streamline things, you could just add more cases...
> Does anyone know anything > about natlangs that use locative nouns? Or have ideas > about how to simplify my system?
Locative nouns are common among Mayan languages (e.g., Tzotzil), and are also found in Oto-Manguean languages (e.g., Mixtec, Zapotec). You might want to have a look at some reference grammars for those languages to see what they do. One thing I know is that many of these languages make extensive use of body part metaphors to express spatial relationships--e.g., "inside the house" = "at the heart of the house", "in front of the house" = "at the face of the house", etc.. Matt.


daniel andreasson <daniel.andreasson@...>