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Re: Second report on Koni'

From:H. S. Teoh <hsteoh@...>
Date:Monday, March 24, 2003, 1:08
On Sun, Mar 23, 2003 at 02:04:38PM +0100, daniel andreasson wrote:
> Thanks to everyone who gave suggestions on Koni'. Especially > to Teoh. Jessica sends her best regards to you all.
Thanks for your compliment. Though credit really should go to Knuth and Lamport, who designed TeX and LaTeX so wonderfully.
> Koní is spelt with a "k" these days, due to some changes in the > orthography. |k| is [k] and |c| has changed to [tS]. > > I've created a pdf-file so you can view the results so far. > The link is at
Very nice. I see that you've chosen to use double acute as a combination of acute with diaresis. Very nice idea. :-)
> Native Koni' spelling avoids digraphs entirely. However, this > doesn't work at all in e-mail, so there is an ASCII-transcription > scheme as well.
Nice. I like it. Now I've gotta find out how to produce barred b and barred t in LaTeX. :-) [snip]
> For you who won't check out the pdf-file, I can inform you > that [}] is written with Greek small omega (just like Ebisedian, > btw. :)
Aww, I'm flattered. :-) I see that you've even chosen /w/ in the ASCII transcription, as I have. Do you have any sample Koni' text? I'd love to transcribe them into LaTeX just to see how it looks.
> Prepalatalization is marked by dieresis, and irregular stress plus > prepalatalization is marked with double acutes.
Very nice idea.
> If anyone wants to comment on the very odd aspirated labiodental > voiceless fricative [f_h], you're more than welcome. :)
[snip] I'm not much of a phonetician, so I really can't comment much on that. I do notice, though, that aspirated fricatives are quite unusual. T -- DOS = De Only System