From: "laokou"
> > Daniel44
> << From the cities came the teachers and the doctors, to speak to the
> in one voice of their new world.' >>
> In Géarthnuns (some ambiguity, so I had to fudge):
Oops. Just went back to Daniel's original post and there's less ambiguity
there. So:
Chak shtülansad ai chauk öinörsaup zhö chauk tezemarsaup lé, öre chauk
íalörsaul söi lörhatsöin síretöin chö öbelöbsöb rhashpeböb rhaurauböb ésh ba
möl thauth.
Chak shtülansad ai chauk öinörsaup zhö chauk
the-pl city-post/pl from the-pl teacher-nom/pl and the-pl
tezemarsaup lé, öre chauk íalörsaul söi lörhatsöin síretöin
teacher-nom/pl past, in.order the-pl person-dat/pl a voice-instr one-instr
chö öbelöbsöb rhashpeböb rhaurauböb ésh ba möl thauth.
the world-post new-post their-post about BA speak come