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Re: [Translation] The Litany Against Fear

From:Roger Mills <rfmilly@...>
Date:Thursday, August 25, 2005, 21:12
(I've been meaning to do this for some time... Using Shreyas' msg. as
source-- I assume it represents the original text, which has appeared here
before, but I couldn't find it in the archive....)

> I must not fear. > Fear is the mind-killer. > Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration. > I will face my fear. > I will permit it to pass over me and through me. > And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path. > Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. > Only I will remain.
In Kash: ta macayito maliris. e andiris na ya, yarungombra haniyun. e andiris na ya, akrakorecu, yarumek re me catakale yuno-yuno. caçakrum? macati-manjatito andirismi. mambuto re yavalin ri vitayemi, ri ciniyemi. i anju mende yavalin, ma-turn-to içun haniyunimi vara tikas vununi. riyurun are andiris yu mende yacosa riyun, ta yaleto tape-tapes. unayo mam naponi Interlinear: ta macayito maliris. ma.liris not I-must-FUT I-fear (future reinforces the necessity) e andiris na ya, yarungombra haniyun. añ-liris FOC PART ya.rum.kombra haniyu.n DEF NOML.fear 3s-CAUS-kill soul/mind-ACC (cleft S, 'it is fear that kills...) e andiris na ya, akrakorecu, añ-liris FOC PART añ-kra-korem+çu NOML.fear NOML-PEJ-death-DIM/PEJ DEF fear, (bad-)death-little (another cleft S) yarumek re me catakale yuno-yuno. it-cause THAT ls-DAT REDUP-all macati-manjatito andirismi. I-confront-FUT mambuto re yavalin ri vitayemi, ri ciniyemi. I-permit-FUT THAT it-pass LOC above-DAT-my, LOC middle-DAT-my i anju mende yavalin, mamaçando içun haniyunimi and when PERF it.pass, I-turn-FUT eye soul/mind-GEN-my vara matikas vununi. in.order I-see course/direction-its ri yurun are andiris yu mende yacosa riyun, ta yaleto tape-tapes. LOC place REL fear that PERF it-go there(far), not nothing-at-all i unayo mam naponi and remain I(emph) the.only Two new words came about as a result: cati 'to face, come before (of anim., esp. humans)' (related to kati 'the face') and derivs.: compd. verb+mañ-verb is reciprocal-- go face to face, confront, and _tracati_ (lit., un-face) to avert one's face/gaze, turn away from And a by-product: candri 'to face (of inanim.)' e.g. puna yu yacandri ures 'that house faces west' (related to kandi 'front') And I've never been happy with _ri cini-_ 'LOC middle...' for 'through', but nothing better has presented itself. (Hoping that with all the cut/pastes and corrections, the text and inter. match up :-)))) )


Roger Mills <rfmilly@...>[Translation] The Litany Against Fear- a correction