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Re: C_j vs Cj vs C_jj

From:Mark J. Reed <markjreed@...>
Date:Thursday, June 15, 2006, 13:34
On 6/14/06, Isaac Penzev <isaacp@...> wrote:
> 1. The syllable break is in a different place: [ˈmi.sʲatsʲ].
> 2. Try to pronounce [ɕ] instead of [sʲ]. It may add some Polish accent, but > is still better than [sʲj].
That will make [s_j] very close to [S], though.
> Then try to eliminate hissing.
Uhm, eliminate hissing from a sibilant? I'm confused.
> Don't be afraid:
Why does that instruction always mean "You should be very afraid now." ?
> Ukrainian has five possibilities - C, Cj, C_j, C_j:, and C_jj,
Five?! Yikes! Ok, let's see. The C pattern would be something like <Са>; the corresponding Cj would be <С'я>; and of course C_j would be <Ся>; but how do you spell the others? If the answer involves the sequence <ь'> I may have to shoot myself.


Isaac Penzev <isaacp@...>