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Re: New Brithenig words, part Deux.

From:andrew <hobbit@...>
Date:Sunday, May 27, 2001, 7:31
Am 05/26 17:18  kam@CARROT.CLARA.NET yscrifef:

> If you lose the /-i:/ ending then all you have left to mark plurals is > the debris of the various consonant stems -on- -jon- -ow- -nt- -ik- etc. > most of which get recycled in WCB. as plural endings. Otherwise you have > to depend on a "compulsory" article etc. as in modern French to mark > plurality. Languages like Malay seem happy to leave number unmarked most > of the time, but European langs usually only allow this in a few words > e.g. English "sheep".
I find this interesting. Can you explain how it came about that consonent stems were recycled in this way? - andrew. -- Andrew Smith, Intheologus Your voice has been heard.