Translation Exercise: Vozgian
From: | Jan van Steenbergen <ijzeren_jan@...> |
Date: | Friday, March 8, 2002, 8:49 |
>"When I say a word it means exactly what I want it to mean, no more
>and no less."
My translation into Vozgian is also the first sample of this language I
present on the list.
Vozgian is a North-Slavonic language I started working on back in 1996. It
has two sister languages, samples of which will, no doubt, follow later. A
fourth one, that was supposed to be an Uralic/North-Slavonic language,
recently underwent active euthanasia.
I give three versions:
- the Cyrillic one:
Годе яз ўаімухаў
слоhу, уну
значеþ руно
ду, чу яз hучеў
шу значепþу, нä
полей і нä мäней."
- a transliteration with diacriticals:
Gode jaz ŭaimuhaŭ slohu, unu značeþ runo du, ču jaz
hučeŭ u značepþu, nä
polei, nä mänei.
- a transliteration without diacriticals (neglect it, if possible):
Gode jaz uaimuhau slohu, unu znaczeth runo du, czu jaz huczeu szu
znaczepthu, nae polei, nae maenei.