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Re: Articles: A new Article?

From:Christian Thalmann <cinga@...>
Date:Monday, October 20, 2003, 20:58
--- In, Akhilesh Pillalamarri <valardil@Y...>

> This is where the new article comes in. For example, when one is
saying "I like chocolate" they are saying they like choclate in general. Since the article-less word in aryezi indicates "A" or "One", I had to invent a new article to indicate an item in general. E. Hence Se ja E hlolar = I have food (in general). Se dila coklat = I like A chocolate, and Se dila E coklat = I like choclate.
> > Please comment on this, and tell me how good(or bad) this is. It
might even have a name, but I dont know. My (interrelated) conlangs Obrenje and Oro Mpaa don't have any articles, but they have quantifiers ("all", "none", "some", "two" etc) which are used in an article-like fashion. One of those quantifiers is what I call the categorical. An example in Obrenje: |Tanaqze i warve.| {NEG:like:1 OBJ dog} "I dislike A (certain) dog." |Tanaqze i na warve.| {NEG:like:1 OBJ all dog} "I dislike ALL dogs." |Tanaqze i ny warve.| {NEG:like:1 OBJ CAT dog} "I dislike dogs IN GENERAL." In the last sentence, |ny| is the categorical quantifier. I don't know whether any natlangs have such a thing (though I'd expect at least one to have it), and neither do I know what a true linguist would call it. -- Christian Thalmann