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Re: "Hindilish" & "Hinglish"

From:LIJESH KRISHNAN <lijesh@...>
Date:Thursday, May 11, 2000, 10:00
> > My cousin, she married a Calcutta doctor, she says that there is - in
> opinion - "Hindilish" (the badly spoken mangled English you refer to) &
> there is "Hinglish" - a very ornately embellished Indianized English,
> found in the language of the most highly literate and educated classes > (castes?).
There is a most definite possible future in which Hinglish will be so
> markedly different from American and British Englishes. And that
> intriguing future is not as far distant away as it seems at first cursory > touristic glance. > > zHANg > > Tell me, is there a > difference between English spoken in the north in places like Delhi,
> Chandigarh or Pune, and any Southern Indo-English of Madras, Hyderabad,
> of course the states of Kerala and Tamil Nadu? Either way, I think an > Indian English dialect has arisen, so I wouldn't call it "bad English".
There's even a Manglish (which Keralites are supposed to speak). This is most definitely a derogatory term and refers mainly to accent. It's interesting that due to the number of consonants and stuff in Malayalam (5 n's - velar, palatal, retroflex, alveolar and dental plus m. ) Malayalis pride themselves on being able to pronounce any language. But it's also true that they find it very hard to get rid of their accents ( also because of the number of letters - say using a retroflex S in words like _division_) Of course, these accents are becoming more and acceptable as people realize it's silly to follow the perfect British English. Of course, the best part of Manglish, Hinglish and other such _adaptations_ (I don't want to call the mutants) is the vocabulary. Additions usually take place in words to describe relations. I refer to my cousins as cousin sisters and cousin brothers. This maybe to indicate the gender (as most Indian relation words have gender. I can't think of a word for parent. In Hindi it's Ma-Baap, mother-father). But I like to think that 's it's to show a relation closer than the Western concept of cousins. And of course, I hate the words uncle and aunt. They are so _inadequate_ when I have to introduce a member of my family. Coming to the difference b/w north and south, obviously, there is a huge difference in accent and pronunciation Even b/w Tamilians and Malayalis. e.g.. the word cod, would be pronounced code by a Malayali and card by a Tamilian and more or less correctly by a North Indian. But coming to sentence construction and such, I honestly couldn't say. People do translate directly from their mother tongues (One of the professors at my college allegedly told a student, "Open the window, let the air-force come in.") As Daniel said, English will always have a place in India. I see it becoming, if it's not already, the second largest English speaking country in the world. In fact there was a survey in 1997 according to which 30% of Indians said they understood English. In a population of one billion, that even beats America. So what's the situation in China? Lijesh