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Re: Interjections

From:Roger Mills <romilly@...>
Date:Friday, January 30, 2004, 18:37
> --- Javier BF <uaxuctum@...> wrote: > Some funny interjections for your entertainment: > > Pluash! ['plwaS]
The sound of a wrestler falling into a vat of Jell-o (or mud); OR the sound/sight of softish objects striking a surface with force and breaking apart (e.g. a pumpkin thrown off the roof or (seen the other night on TV) frozen chickens shot from an air-cannon at a steel plate)
> > Khtakht! ['xtaxt]
some sort of odd coughing/gagging sound?
> > Catacriac! [ka.ta'krjak]
Sound of s.t. large falling and cracking
> > Rtaklatakta! [rta.kla'tak.ta]
sound made by a ratchet
> > Fflilifliliil! [f']
(odd redup. of flili) sensation of annoying flying insects swarming around one's head
> > Mtomtakamtoka! [mto.mta'ka.mto.ka]
No idea!! how about: act of pelting s.o. with tomatoes (or other over-ripe fruits/vegs.)