Carlos Thompson wrote:
> For example, for long time I understood what IMO meaned (besides
> "International Mathematics Olympiads", which was the first use I knew of
> that three letter acronym or TLA for short) even if I was not sure what
> those letters stood for (my candidates: "I Must Observe", "In My
> Opinion").
The letter is canonical (hence IMHO = "In my humble opinion",
IMAO = "In my arrogant opinion").
> In other forums I have peeked out that GOP is the United States of
> America Republican Party, even if I still have no clue what the letters
> individually mean.
"Grand Old Party". This name is obsolete, but the initialism is not!
There is / one art || John Cowan <jcowan@...>
no more / no less ||
to do / all things ||
with art- / lessness \\ -- Piet Hein