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Re: Trivial Translation Exercise

From:Trebor Jung <treborjung@...>
Date:Friday, August 13, 2004, 3:22
Christian wrote: ""You can't add more years to your life, but you can add
more life to your years.""

In Kosi you would say something like...

Em vi:u:a nehit:as:j:ið:e
person:NON life:2SG-POSS:ACC increase:3SG-NOM:3SG-ACC:ABIL:NEG

de em vi:u:a parem:as:j:o:ið.
but person:NOM life:2SG-POSS:ACC better:3SG-NOM:3SG-ACC:CAUS:ABIL (*)

Em viua nehitasjiðe de em viua paremasjoið.
[Em Bi.u.A nEhitAsjiDE dE Em Bi.u.A pArEmAsjo.iD]
'A person cannot increase his/her life, but he/she can improve it.'

'You can't add more years to your life, but you can add more life to your

2SG-POSS=second person singular possessor ['your']
3SG=third person singular
ABIL=abilitative mood
ACC=accusative case
CAUS=causative aspect
NEG=negative mood
NOM=nominative case



(*) Suppletion occurs in Kosi, so parem is an independent lexical item, not
a derivation.


Roger Mills <rfmilly@...>