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Re: translations in Tr:pang & Linga

From:Roger Mills <romilly@...>
Date:Sunday, October 21, 2001, 5:29
David Peterson wrote:

><<"Human speech is like a cracked kettle on which we tap crude rhythms for >bears to dance to while we long to make music that will melt stars." > > - Gustave Flaubert, _Madame Bovary_>> > > Wow, this was a lot harder than I thought it'd be. Nevertheless, it's
>beautiful sentence.
Indeed. It stretched the limits of Kash vocabulary; and I was hesitant to create some of the very specific words.....(ç, c-cedilla, is [S]) e açindi kaçale yaworana nimu matraci, re ne mitatam tatam trivus uçoñi korandañi osola*, kambun miteçayu liri e rinda re yakenahañuto añoloçe. def/speech/human/3s-like/pot/broken-dim./ REL/ it-dat/we-beat-rhythmically/ rhythm/inept/purpose-of/dancing-of/bears/even-if/we-yearn/with-respect-to/de f/music/REL/3s-affect-soul/stars-dat. *oso 'bear' < Span., not enough native fauna yet. It will probably be some kind of big lizard that galumphs from foot to foot in a mating dance.......